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Development Goals:
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Country Gender Assessment
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Human development in Ukraine. Modernization of social policy:
regional aspect.
2015 | |
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DEVELOPMENT GOALS Ukraine: 2000–2015. NATIONAL REPORT. This report uses a wide range of informational, statistical and analytical materials to highlight
the progress made to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Ukraine. It analyses
obstacles to the country’s development, identi es major challenges and o ers recommendations
to address them. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine analysed
successes and challenges to achieving the MDG targets by 2015. This work was undertaken with
support from the ‘Acceleration of Millennium Development Goals Progress in Ukraine’ project
implemented by UNDP in partnership with the National Institute for Strategic Studies and the
M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine. To ensure the objectivity of assessment, more than 200 leading experts from various
MDG-related elds were involved in the process of discussing the MDGs, identifying problems
and developing recommendations. The publication uses key indicators to measure the progress
made to achieve the MDG targets by 2015. The benchmarking indicators were established in
2000 and updated in 2010, taking into account the results of the long-term forecast of national
development in Ukraine and analysis of the activities implemented to achieve the MDG targets,
including changes in national statistics.
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Famines in European Economic History This volume explores economic, social, and political dimensions of three catastrophic famines which struck mid-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Europe; the Irish Famine (An Gorta Mor ) of 1845–1850, the Finnish Famine (Suuret Nalkavuodet) of the 1860s and the Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor) of 1932/1933.
2014 | |
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Analytical Report |
2013 | |
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POST-2015 UKRAINE: THE FUTURE WE WANT National report. This report presents a vision of post-2015 development priorities based on the & ndings of
national consultations held in Ukraine between January and April 2013. It provides a synthesis
of public opinion, expert analysis, and the views of individuals that were expressed during the
national consultations and in surveys. The report also includes recommendations on how to
ensure sustainable human development in Ukraine and in the world. (Electronic version) |
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MEASURING QUALITY OF LIFE IN UKRAINE Analytical report. The report was prepared by: Libanova E.M. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Gladun O.M., Doctor of Economics; Lisogor L.S., Doctor of Economics; Tkachenko L.G., Candidate of Economic Sciences; Kovtun N.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor; Marchenko I.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences; Ivanov Andriy, international expert; Peliakh Mikhai, international expert. The overall coordination of the report was ensured by UNDP in Ukraine. (Electronic version) |
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Proceeding of the International scientific conference "Famines in Ukraine in the First Half of the 20th Century: Causes and Consequences (1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947)”, Kyiv, November, 20-21, 2013 The collection contains the proceedings of the conference dedicated to the three famines most destructive for the Ukrainian society which happened in the first half of the previous century. The overall picture of the famine and its territorial features are the subject of the first part, which gives the comprehensive picture of the course of events. The second part is dedicated to the legal qualification of the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine (Holodomor) as genocide. The third part is dedicated to the methodological approaches to the determining and assessing the demographic losses caused by the famines with differentiation by the regions. The fourth and the last part contains the research works dealing with socio-psychological consequences of the famines in the Ukrainian society. The publication is aimed at researchers, lecturers, students and those who are interested in the issues of famines in Ukraine and care about the future of the country. (Electronic version) |
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Report. ANALYTICAL RESEARCH INTO WOMEN’s PARTICIPATION IN LABOUR FORCE OF UKRAINE Analytical research and publication were ensured by financial and technical support of the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) within the project UKR2U706 «Increasing the Availability of Disaggregated Population Data for National and Sectorial Development Policymaking, Programming and Public Use», as a part of the program for cooperation between the Government of Ukraine and UNFPA for 2012-2016. Technical support in implementing research was provided by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The edition does not necessarily represent the official position of UNFPA or ILO. (Electronic version) |
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LABOUR MARKET AND SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION OF UKRAINE: RETRO ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS. Analytical monograph. Onikienko V.V. This monograph reviews the issues of social orientation of the labour market development and social protection of the population being a necessary condition and principal attribute of the socially oriented market economy. Factors and initial conditions of socialization of the labour market are studied, its essence and assessment indices are substantiated. Dynamics and quality of the economic development is analyzed at the stage of reforming socio-economic system of Ukraine from the perspective of its impact on the labour market, employment, standard of living, social protection, and economic situation of the elderly and disabled people in particular. A concept of modernization of the social protection system based on a target-oriented approach is substantiated. It is aimed at the experts in public administration, researchers, lecturers and post-graduate students, University students, and those interested in the issues of economic development and standard of living of population. (Electronic version) |
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Multi-authored monograph reviews the issues of inequality in Ukraine; the scope of inequality, its constituents, signs and consequences are evaluated. Socio-economic inequality is examined in the light of policy impact; holistic approach to overcoming inequality in the society is enunciated. The expediency of moving emphasis in the policy from decreasing inequality by income to equal access to the resources and social services for different groups of population and territories is proven. Propositions are developed with regard to influencing the inequality by means of: policy of incomes, policy of labour market, increasing quality and accessibility of social services, policy of social protection and social involvement; human development and social dialogue; regional policy and development of local government. It is aimed at the experts in social economy and policy, public administration, at researchers, lecturers, post-graduate students, and students of economic departments. (Electronic version) |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE: TRANSFORMATION OF THE STANDARD OF LIVING AND REGIONAL DISPROPOTION Multi-authored monograph Volume 1: Transformation of the standard of living under systemic crisis The monograph elucidates the impact of the crisis in economy and society on the standard of living of the population: transformational changes are evaluated over the period of several decades (by the sources of formation and differentiation of the incomes of population, consumption characteristics of the population, property security and housing); opportunities for weakening impact of the systemic crisis on the population standard of living are defined: appropriate proposals and predictive estimates regarding trends in the standard of living are worked out. Volume 2: Regional disproportion in human development and opportunities to overcome them. This monograph reviews the main theoretical and methodological approaches to measuring regional human development and substantiates the necessity to update the national method of its measuring. Trends and disproportions of human development in the regions of Ukraine are evaluated by the following constituents: possibility of full reproduction of the population, access to education and decent working conditions, improvement of social environment, comfortable housing and welfare of population. Priorities of the regional policy are set to achieve the targets of the human development in Ukraine; practical recommendations are enunciated regarding eliminating regional disproportions by the main indicators of human development. This monograph is aimed at the experts in social economy and regional policy, employers of the state and local administration, lecturers, post-graduate students, and students of economics and humanities. (Electronic version) |
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ASSESSING SOCIO-ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE: PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF INDIRECT METHODS (monograph) SARIOGLO V.G. This monograph reviews practical implementation of the modern methodological approaches to improving the reliability of evaluating socio-economic performance using the results of sample surveys of the population’s households. As exemplified by solving the poverty indicator reliability problem, statistical integration of both direct and synthetic evaluation of the indicators on the basis of multiple compositional evaluation function is proved to be the most efficient. Herewith, the opportunity to improve the reliability indices depends on the use of information from additional, external to sample surveys, sources. Results from the analysis of the external sources of information which may be used for poverty evaluation are given. The expediency to consider complicated methods of evaluating indices by the survey results when developing and optimizing a sample design is proven. Automation tools of evaluation procedure were considered. The monograph is aimed at the experts of public administration and statistics agencies, and scientists engaged in improving the quality of information support of the social and socio-economic policy. (Åëåêòðîííèé âàð³àíò) |
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This monograph reviews modern methodological approaches to evaluating state social programs, their outcomes and impact upon some aspects of quality of population life. Tools for evaluating the programs are studied based on the methods of micro- imitating modelling and appropriate information support. Results from the analysis of some state target programs being realized in Ukraine as well as examples of evaluating social outcomes of the programs are given. The monograph is aimed at the experts of public administration and researchers engaged in the monitoring and evaluating social policies and problems of the formation and usage of the management information support. (Electronic version) |
2012 | |
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National report SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: ENSURING JUSTICE This report is a result of the years-long research of the scientists of the institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine: M.V.Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, Institute of Sociology, I.F. Kuras Institute for Political and Ethnical Studies. The core idea of the report is the interpretation of the civilization progress as development of a human-focused society, economy and ecology. Justice to those generations who now live and those who come into this world in the future is determined as both the main prerequisite and the main outcome of the successful development. (Electronic version) (The summary of the main ideas of the report) |
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SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE. Labour market. Iryna Petrova. (Electronic version) |
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SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE. International migration. Oleksiy Pozniak The main problem of the research into migration is the problem of information support. The author draws upon the data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine, data of the first national survey on labour migration (2008), a number of surveys of the labour migrants, conducted by the research institutions and NGO over the recent years. (Electronic version) |
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UKRAINE: 10 YEARS AFTER MADRID (State of implementation of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in Ukraine in 2007-2012) Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of NAS of Ukraine, United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA). (Electronic version) |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE: SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY (multi-authored monograph) (Electronic version) The monograph was prepared by a group of researchers of M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. It reviews the influence of social and demographic factors on the process of modernization of the national economy: configuration of the relevant factors was determined with regard to the constraining or stimulating effect on the achieving the aims of modernization. They include implementation of the system of social responsibility with allowance made for institutional economic development prerequisites; consideration of long-term changes in the course of basic demographic processes and the state of the socio-economic structure of population; use of channels and mechanisms to improve standards of living and the process of capitalization as motivating factors of modernization; empowerment of choice of human life strategy and achieving a balanced system of social support; need to establish targets and mechanisms of the public policy of modernization. This monograph is aimed at the experts in demography, social economy, and social policy , government employees, post-graduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
2011 | |
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ECONOMIC AND HUMANE DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPING SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE (multi-authored monograph, edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine V.M.Novikov) (Electronic version) Social infrastructure plays an important role in the life of society. Further development of it demands deep comprehension and study. The book analyzes the issues of interdependence of socialization of economy, institutional changes in social infrastructure, correlation of legal framework, trends and mechanisms of its development. Theoretical, methodological and practical issues of organizing, financing and management of labour in certain sectors are studied, models of forecasting the demand for paid services are considered. The special aspects of the mechanism of reforming social structure under globalization and transformational changes are calculated. Theoretical and practical orientation of the work determines the socio-economic and humanitarian readership. |
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UNEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN IN UKRAINE: ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICYMAKERS. ((Electronic version) In today’s world ensuring equal opportunities for children is considered in the context of availability of the basic goods and services necessary for children's development, socialization and acquiring competitiveness in future. Traditionally the availability of social services for children is determined not only by the economic capacity of the family but also by the principles and level of public institutions, responsible for providing services. In countries in transition, such as Ukraine, basic services for children are provided gratuitously, but the issue of unequal opportunities acquires a different quality and remains a topical one. The publication presents the results of surveys of households with children, outlines the issues of providing availability of main social services and the system of social protection for the different groups of children, and offers experts’ recommendations for public policy on children. The views presented in this paper are those of the authors and does not necessarily represent the views and position of UNICEF. |
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Regional human development report: “Beyond Transition – Towards Inclusive Societies” Branka Andjelkovic, Andrey Ivanov, Sheila Marni, Docho Mikhailov, Susanne Milcher,, Ella Libanova, Yurij Levenets, Elena Makarova, Viktor Kotigorenko, Anna Gvelesiani, Natalia Sitnikova, Tatiana Bolila and others. (Electronic version) The concept of social exclusion underlies the analysis made in this report. The report ties the paradigm of social exclusion/inclusion, worked out in the context of European Union, with the paradigm of human development, formulated by Amartya Sen. The report captures complex nature of social exclusion by means of Multidimensional Social Exclusion Index (measuring tool, employing 24 indicators). This index is used to measure and compare social exclusion in six countries of the region (from Serbia to Tajikistan), characterized by different levels of development. Through in-depth analysis and numerous examples the report describes the causes of social exclusion and ways to counteract it by means of targeted inclusive policies. ISBN: 978-92-95092-32-7 |
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National Human Development Report “Ukraine: towards social inclusion” E.M. Libanova, U.Levenets, O.V.Makarova, V.Kotygorenko, L.M.Cherenko, O.M.Khmelevska, L.G.Tkachenko, Balakireva and others This National Human Development Report –Ukraine: Towards Social Inclusion – calls attention to the specifics and the roots of social exclusion in Ukraine, identifies socially excluded groups and proposes a range of recommendations for the development of policies and programs to address the current barriers to social inclusion for all. The report investigates the issue of social inclusion from a human development perspective, treating both concepts – social inclusion and human development – as mutually complementary and reinforcing. The key drivers of social exclusion are examined across core domains of people’s life: political, cultural, economic and social. The report also provides an account of individual experiences of exclusion that demonstrate the magnitude and severity of the challenges vulnerable individuals face. It also introduces a novel methodology to assess the multidimensional aspects of social exclusion to allow for the effective prioritization and targeting of social inclusion policies. This report is one of a series of national reports in the region dedicated to the subject of social inclusion, developed within the framework of the Regional Human Development Report, Beyond Transition – Towards Inclusive Societies. The report is an independent publication of UNDP in Ukraine, prepared in close cooperation with national and international experts. The views, conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors and compilers of this document and do not necessarily represent the views of UNDP. ISBN 978-966-2153-60-6. |
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PENSION REFORM IN UKRAINE: WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION (multi-authored monograph, edited by E.M. Libanova. (Electronic version) This monograph was prepared by the team of authors by the results of research project “Components of Pension Reform in Ukraine” within the framework of a target complex program of research of the NAS of Ukraine “Problems and prospects of socio-economic, political and legal development in Ukraine.” The monograph reviews the evolution of the forms of pension system, determines the factors and prerequisites of pension reform in Ukraine and summarizes the foreign experience of reforming pension systems. It emphasizes the urgency of reforming PAYG pension system, substantiates directions for reform, optimal starting parameters of implementing compulsory funded pension insurance, ways to minimize the associated risks and reveals the main problems and prospects of private pensions and occupational pension schemes. The authors worked out the propositions regarding strengthening the regulatory role of the state and social dialogue in pension provision, outlined financial, economic, organizational and moral leverage which may contribute to unshadowing employment and incomes and suggested measures to improve the pension provision for immigrants. This monograph is aimed at the experts in social economy and policy, government employees, post-graduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
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ANTISOCIAL PHENOMENA IN UKRAINE IN TERMS OF DEMOGRAPHY (monograph) Levchuk N.M. This monograph presents the results of complex demographic research of antisocial phenomena and their consequences in Ukraine. It touches upon many problems connected with high prevalence of antisocial phenomena and their detrimental effect on the qualitative characteristics of population, primarily health and mortality. The author considers theoretical and methodological issues of studying social pathologies and suggests his own vision of both genesis and causes of their appearance in the transformation period. He distinguishes several groups of antisocial phenomena and evaluates socio-demographic losses caused by them. Specifically, he characterizes the destructive impact of the process of population marginalization and its individual manifestations. He also analyses the trends in prevalence of psychoactive substance use and related morbidity, estimates alcohol-dependant mortality, identifies determinants of involvement into tobacco smoking and analyses TA mortality. He highlights the epidemics of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis and their impact on demographic dynamics. The monograph also analyzes the consequences of risky sexual behavior and reproductive losses caused by it, namely, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; models interrelation between abortion and childbirth. It investigates social differentiation of health status and mortality rate of population. The monograph is concluded with the analysis of opportunities to resist the expanding of antisocial phenomena in Ukraine and development of key principles and main directions of policymaking regarding the prevention of antisocial phenomena and reduction of the damage from them. It is aimed at demographers, researchers in the fields related to demography and all those, interested in socio-demographic issues. |
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YOUTH FAMILY POLICY IN UKRAINE Nychyporenko S.V. (Electronic version) This monograph presents the analysis of demographic and socio-economic state of Ukrainian families and a comparative assessment of social protection of families in foreign countries. Relying on the calculations of the size and composition of population the author develops long-term analytical forecast of marital and family situation in Ukraine. He enunciates and substantiates the prospects of government support for young families, suggests the ways of implementing family policy in Ukraine. The monograph is aimed at the researchers, experts in public administration and social policy making, post-graduate students and students. |
2010 | |
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Analytical report “An Analysis of Poverty and Social Implication of Economic Crisis in Ukraine” E.M.Libanova, V.G Sarioglo, L.M. Cherenko, V.S.Shyshkin, S.V.Poliakova, M.U. Ogai, O.A.Vasyliev, A.G.Reut, O.I.Krykun, S.Bashkirov, T.V.Novoselska/edited by Ben Sley This publication presents the results of analysis of poverty and social implication of the financial and economic crisis in Ukraine. The report identifies the key issues of poverty, describes the economic crisis in Ukraine and examines the impact on poverty from the standpoint of poverty trends during the crisis. The publication emphasizes ways of improving social policymaking with regard to overcoming poverty, namely, from the point of view of policy reforms. The publication may be useful for government employees, ministries, state agencies, managers and experts in the field of social and economic development, researchers, representatives of international organizations, experts of NGO, and other people interested in poverty reduction and human development. Kyiv, 2010. 62 p. |
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Analytical report "Social Inclusion in Ukraine: European Choice and the Social Sector Institutions” E.M. Libanova, L.S.Lisogor, O.M.Paliy, L.G.Tkachenko, L.M. Cherenko, A.G. Reut, O.M. Khmelevska, S.V. Nychyporenko, O.V.Makarova, O.A.Vasyliev, Sevinch Rende, Dorothy G.Rosenberg This analytical report highlights the situation in social sector, trends of social policy and reviews the social institutions in Ukraine. The introduction to the concept of social inclusion, used by the European Union, is presented, its implementation in the social sector policymaking and its consequences for the future of Ukraine are explained. The report gives a short explanation of the logic of integrated approaches to social and economic development and interprets such phenomena as poverty, social exclusion and social inclusion, and correlation between them. It presents the review of evolution of the European Union policy directed at overcoming poverty and social exclusion; the explanation of the Open Method of Coordination as mechanism of managing social inclusion. The report contains a short summary of the results of the research on the Ukrainian social sector institutions’ compliance with the approaches and standards approved by EU, and recommendations regarding the future support to the studies and capacity development. This publication will be useful to policy makers, ministries and agencies’ employees, managers and professionals of the local executive bodies, researchers, activists of NGO, and all interested in the issues of socio-economic and human development. Kyiv, 2010. 84 p. |
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Human Development in Ukraine: minimizing social risks (multi-authored research monograph) / edited by Libanova E.M. (Electronic version) This monograph was prepared by the team of the researchers of M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Research of the NAS of Ukraine together with the experts of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. It presents the results of the investigation of specific features characterizing the current process of human development in Ukraine, referred social risks and main threats for further development. Causes and prerequisites of social risks are revealed. The authors analyze demographic risks, risks of employment and labour market, issues of the standard of living, poverty and social exclusion, and of the development of social protection of population. The monograph shows the regional differences and disproportion of human development, considers the role of budget in its regulation and enunciates conceptual basis of harmonizing social and fiscal policies. The authors substantiate the ways to mitigate social risks by means of employment restructuring, transforming social protection system, implementing the policy of social inclusion, and family support and development. This monograph is aimed at the experts in labour economics, social economy and policy, government employees, post-graduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
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Population of Ukraine. Labour migration in Ukraine. Editorial board: Libanova E.M., Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Pozniak O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences; Malynovska O.A., Doctor of Science, public administrator. (Electronic version) This monograph investigates a wide range of issues relevant to external labour migration of the Ukrainian citizens, highlights theoretical and applied aspects of labour emigration. The flow of external labour migration is examined in the context of the overall socio-economic situation on the basis of state statistics and special sample surveys data. Special attention is paid to analyzing the results of the first national survey on labour migration, conducted in the middle of 2008. The authors analyze socio-economic characteristics of external labour migrants, directions of labour emigration and conditions of work and stay abroad of the citizens of Ukraine. They assess the earnings and transmittances of labour migrants; identify the impact of labour emigration on the development of the labour market in Ukraine. The propositions were worked out regarding the migration policy making and improving the statistics of labour migration. The publication is aimed at researchers (demographers, economists, geographers, sociologists, lawyers), government employees, teachers and students of institutions of higher education and all who is interested in the issues of labour migration. |
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Quality of Social Policy Information Support Makarova, O.V., Sarioglo V.G., Tereshchenko G.I., and others/ edited by E.M. Libanova This monograph presents the present-day views on methodological basis of developing and estimating social policy, describes specific features of its information support. The main attention is paid to methodological issues of assessing the quality of information support and to approaches to its improvement. The publication reviews the principles of creating an information-processing system to use when working out and evaluating the impact of social policy in Ukraine and some practical aspects of evaluating social programs. This publication was prepared under the auspices of the European Union. Responsibility for its contents rests solely with European Profiles SA. The contents of the publication in no way reflect the opinion of the European Union. |
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Ukrainian Youth in the Labour Markets of Foreign Countries Maidanik I.(Electronic version) This monograph is dedicated to the study of theoretical and practical issues of labour migration of Ukrainian youth. It reviews international approaches to studying youth migration, investigates main trends in the course of youth labour migration in contemporary Ukraine, and compares main parameters of youth migration with the characteristics of migration flows of older workers. Special attention is paid to revealing the comprehensive impact of labour migration processes upon the welfare of young Ukrainians; in the framework of it, the multidimensional structure of studying welfare of migrant workers is presented, which includes a number of approaches and snapshots. The fundamental legal principles for managing labour migration are considered. This publication is aimed at researchers, government employees, and workers of the agencies that provide employment abroad services, teachers and students and those interested in the issues of migration. |
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Young People and Youth Policy in Ukraine: socio-demographic aspects (Electronic version) The monograph “Young People and Youth Policy in Ukraine: socio-demographic aspects” reviews a range of topical issues concerning value system, way of life, demographic behavior, socio-demographic composition of young people in Ukraine and their current situation. It analyzes value orientation of young people connected with different areas of their life activity. It presents the results of the studies of the population dynamics and sex-age structure of youth, marriage and family preferences, behavior of youth cohorts, family composition, gender relations and fertility situation in the families and childbearing preferences of young people in Ukraine. The publication thoroughly investigates determinants of the current state of health of Ukrainian young people with emphasis on the behavioral factors of risk. Special attention is paid to the reproductive health of young people and mortality at an early age. The authors consider main socio-economic characteristics of the youth cohorts in Ukraine: educational level, specific features of economic activity of young people, professional composition of employed youth etc. They analyze educational and employment preferences of the young people, including orientation on labor migration. The monograph also highlights specific features of internal and external migration movements of Ukrainian youth. It contains the results of analysis and synthesis of the national experience in youth policy making in the part, aimed to address socio-demographic challenges. The monograph presents a range of recommendations regarding the improvement and development of the youth policy in this country. |
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Gene Pool and Health: the importance of socio-economic factors in occurrence of reproductive disorders in the women of Ukraine. Tymchenko O.I., Lynchak O.V., Kurylo I.O. This monograph is dedicated to the issues of evaluating the influence of smoking and importance of education and financial security in occurrence of reproductive disorders in the women of Ukraine. The book is aimed at a wide range of health officials and researchers practicing in the field of hygiene, medical genetics, obstetrics, genecology, demography and health care. |
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NEW COURSE: REFORMS IN UKRAINE. 2010-2015: National Report(Electronic version) Multi-authored paper, launched by the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in 2009, continues a series of annual reports on the key issues of socio-economic, socio-political and cultural progress of contemporary Ukraine. Based on the starting theses and conclusions of the previous report “Socio-economic state of Ukraine: implications for people and the state” regarding the problems having accumulated over the previous decade, the National Report is both a strategic and practical document directed to the future. Its target is to outline a conceptual vision of a new course formed by the Ukrainian academic science, a course of implementing in Ukraine, long overdue modernization reforms, specific tasks and mechanisms of implementation. This publication is aimed at political, administrative and scientific elite, and those involved in developing and adopting responsible political and administrative decisions. |
2009 | |
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Family and Family Relationships in Ukraine: Current Situation and trends(Electronic version) The monograph “Family and Family Relationships in Ukraine: Current Situation and Trends” is dedicated to the topical issues of family and family relationships in Ukraine. The publication is a result of the research, conducted by a team of authors under supervision of E.M.Libanova, member of the NAS of Ukraine. The authors analyze the main functions of a modern family and the process of their transformation over recent demographic history; consider the structure and types of family groups (family alliances) in Ukraine, processes of forming family structure of population, issues of family interaction with other social institutions, impact of socio-economic phenomena and processes upon family livelihood. The paper presents the results of the studies of financial position and living conditions of different categories of households. Basing on socio-demographic surveys the paper investigates the role and place of family values in the population’s system of values preferences and the emergence of new forms of marital relationships in Ukraine. Much attention is paid to the issues of forming relationships and distribution of responsibilities in the modern family. The authors analyze childbearing preferences of population and the problems of maintenance and education of children in Ukrainian families. They examine modern forms of family ties of parent and grandparent generations. The publication contains the results of generalization of foreign and domestic family policymaking experience and the assessment of the family and pronatalist policy in Ukraine made by the population of Ukraine. It presents some recommendations regarding the improvement of the family policy in Ukraine. |
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Poverty and unequal opportunities for children in Ukraine Multi-authored monograph reviews the issues of poverty and unequal opportunities for children in Ukraine. It studies the impact of socio-economic development upon the situation of children. A concept of studying poverty and unequal opportunities for children, adjusted for the Ukrainian context is suggested, the components of well-being of families with children are examined. The situation of vulnerable children is analyzed. Propositions are worked out regarding efficiency of public social assistance to overcome poverty and inequality among children. |
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The formation of the middle class: keynote of the national strategy of Ukraine This monograph considers the middle class as the basis of the socio-economic system; it examines the prerequisites of its development in Ukraine, gives characteristics of the middle class in the context of its criteria of features. The author reviews theoretical foundations for defining the middle class, long-term strategies for the middle class development and main areas of their implementation, analyses present-day priorities of the public policy with regard to the middle class. |
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SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION IN UKRAINE: OUTCOMES FOR PEOPLE AND STATE: NATIONAL REPORT (Electronic version) Comprehensive analysis of the situation and determinant trends of economic, social, political legal and human development of Ukraine was carried out in the light of the threats and risks, connected with crisis processes in the modern world among other things. The paper highlights macroeconomic changes, transformation of the real economy, hazards in power economy and environmental conditions. Much attention is paid to the issues of achieving effective governance, overcoming political crisis, stabilizing financial sector, developing the dialogue between the authorities, business and civil society and transforming of socio-humanistic sphere. The authors of the Report suggest their vision of strategy, ways and mechanisms of overcoming systemic crisis and bringing the country to the dynamic growth targets. Solving socio-economic problems is closely connected with strengthening demographic potential, priorities of human development, consolidation of Ukrainian political nation and forming the holistic socio-humanistic space of Ukraine. The work is the first in a series of annual reports planned by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the key issues of socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of modern Ukraine. It is aimed at political, administrative and scientific elite of Ukraine, as well as those involved in working out and adopting important political and administrative decisions. |
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DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS OF POVERTY(Electronic version) This monograph was prepared by the department for studying standard of living of population at the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine together with the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. It reviews the issues of studying poverty in Ukraine with regard to the specific development of socio-economic processes at this stage. It summarizes the experience of studying poverty in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The authors reveal new aspects of Ukrainian poverty, investigate risks of poverty in the households of Ukraine depending on their structure and select groups of households with the highest risks of poverty. They study and model the impact of different socio-economic factors on the risks and regional levels of poverty. Poverty maps are built with a breakdown by administrative regions of Ukraine. The monograph is aimed at the experts in the field of social economy and policy, public administration employees, postgraduate students and students of economics. |
2008 | |
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Sample Survey of Population: methodology, technique, practice. O.M. Gladun This monograph reviews theoretical basis of sample surveys and its practical implementation for studying population. In the first section of the book the author analyses the categories of “population”, “family”, and “household” and their functions; considers methods of collecting data on population, gives historical information about conducting population censuses and surveys. The second section is dedicated to methodological basis of conducting sample surveys. The author reviews methodological features of implementing separate stages of sampling. The third section is dedicated to practical implementation of theoretical positions of the previous section as exemplified by forming samples for basic three state statistical surveys (household living conditions, economic activity of population and agricultural activities of households), conducted by the state statistics agencies of Ukraine. The next two sections are dedicated to the problem, which is the integral part of any sample survey, namely, data reliability. In the fourth section this problem is considered in the context of building statistical models, namely, using composite estimation. In the fifth section, the author reviews the issue of optimizing sample design. The annex provides diverse information with regards to mentioned three basic state sample surveys of the population and examples of implementing separate stages of forming samples. |
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Human development in Ukraine: innovative dimension(Electronic version) This monograph was prepared by a team of the Institute subsequent to the results of departmental research topic, “Developing mechanisms of implementation of innovative components of human development.” The study also involved experts of UNDP in Ukraine within the project “Millennium Development goals – Ukraine”. The monograph substantiates theoretical and methodological positions regarding the innovative nature of human development and factors of developing social innovations and evaluates general trends of innovative changes in the constituent parts of human development. It suggests directions for improving organizational and financial support for the implementation of innovative instruments of human development, particularly in the sphere of improving the demographic quality of population, expansion of socio-informational space, policy of employment and incomes. |
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Differentiation of money incomes of population: analysis, forecast and prediction mechanism A.G.Gvelesiani This monograph reviews theoretical and applied issues of differentiation of monetary incomes of population of Ukraine. It analyzes theories of income distribution under conditions of economic system transformation. It summarizes the experience of assessing and modeling income distribution and gives a short-term forecast of wage differentiation. It provides scientific and practical recommendations regarding improvement of the mechanism of regulating differentiation of population monetary incomes to overcome negative social consequences arising from distortion of distribution relations. |
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The economic mechanism of social infrastructure: state and prospects of development. B.P.Levin The author investigates the issues of development and efficient functioning of social infrastructure which includes health care, education, culture and arts, housing and utilities, tourism, etc. He reviews the evolution of scientific views on the contents of economic mechanisms in the context of increasing the societal role of social infrastructure under conditions of transformational processes and quality reproduction of human capital. Financial and budgetary issues of socially important sectors are considered in conjunction with economic, organizational, and institutional issues. The author suggests the ways to improve inner structure of the middle and high school. A scenario is developed and possible trends of forming the market of paid services are shown. Given the stage of market relations development, the paper provides propositions related to enhancement of social dialogue, payment to public sector employees, and corporate governance strategy of social orientation. |
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Social development of the regions of Ukraine: assessment and ways to reduce disparities I.M.Novak This monograph reveals theoretical, methodological and legal issues connected with assessing disparities in the social development of the regions of Ukraine. The regional disparities in the social development are examined in the context of improving the quality of regional social management. The book reviews public policy objectives regarding the regional social development, ways to improve regional public social policy, legal framework and legal acts of Ukraine on regional development to identify and reduce disparities in social development of its regions. |
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LIBANOVA E.M.: POVERTY OF THE POPULATION OF UKRAINE: METHODOLOGY, METHODS AND PRACTICE OF ANALYSIS. -/Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine/. - K.: KNEI, 2008. – 328p. This monograph is dedicated to the issues of remuneration of labour in Ukraine and studying the possibilities of using the experience of organizing remuneration in EU. Particular attention is paid to such aspects of remuneration of labour as determining the density of correlation of wages with the main macroeconomic indicators of the country’s economic development (productivity, GDP, indices of competitiveness and human development, etc.) and special features of wages in different sectors of economic activity, regulation of wages, etc. It is aimed at employees of public administration, social partnership, teachers, researchers, and university students, anyone interested in modern issues of labour remuneration. |
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POPULATION OF UKRAINE: BIRTHRATE IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESSES(Electronic version) This monograph presents the results of comprehensive demo-economic study of the birthrate issues in modern Ukraine. It highlights theoretical and methodological aspects of studying childbearing activities of the population, gives comprehensive review of permanent and latest trends in fertility, analyses transformation of its model by different structural parameters, examines socio-economic factors of changes in the level and structure of fertility and substantiates the author’s vision of this demographic process in Ukraine. The book analyses medical and demographical determinants of fertility: role of marriage and family structures in the course of this process, impact of the population’s reproductive health on fertility. It studies interrelation of fertility in the system of reproduction of population, impact of its dynamics upon forming depopulation trends and aging of population in Ukraine. The process of reproduction, factors that influence it, new trends and structural changes are considered in correlation with general processes of socio-economic modernization which our country is currently undergoing. Current situation in fertility, its structural characteristics and domestic conditions of childbearing activity of population are analyzed against the situation in other European countries. Much attention is paid to analysis and generalization of international experience in family and pronatalist policy. Based on the results of the study and taking into account the most appropriate features of domestic conditions of European demographic policy the book set up main principles and directions for improving family and pronatalist policy in Ukraine. The monograph is aimed at demographers, economists, specialists in public administration, teachers, students and postgraduate students, anyone interested in demographic issues. |
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MARRIAGE, FAMILY AND FERTILITY ORIENTATION IN UKRAINE(Electronic version) This monograph is dedicated to the top issues of forming marriages and childbearing activity of population of Ukraine. It is based on the data of a special sample survey of reproductive age population “Family and Children” conducted in April of 2018. It reviews specific features of the current course of marriage and family processes, latest dynamics and structure of fertility in Ukraine. |
2007 | |
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POPULATION OF UKRAINE. SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ISSUES OF RURAL AREAS IN UKRAINE(Electronic version) This monograph reviews wide range of current problems of socio-demographic reproduction in rural areas of Ukraine. It covers methodological and methodical issues of analyzing structural features and social differentiation of demographic processes, evaluating standards of living of rural population, its socio-economic structure, medium-term forecast of demographic situation in rural areas. | ![]() |
Working age population mortality in Ukraine (monograph) E.M.Libanova, editor (Electronic version) This monograph studies pressing issues of working age population mortality in Ukraine. It reviews specific features of socio-economic conditions of the formation of health, causes and consequences of health crisis situations during working age; it examines changes in mortality and average life expectancy for the 20th through the beginning of the 21st century, carries out scientific assessment of demographic losses of Ukraine in social disasters during the first half of the 20th century, including the population of working age. It analyzes changes in the structure of causes of death at working age: mortality from causes that can be prevented; role and portion of mortality determined to be from social diseases. Losses of working age population due to the excessive and premature mortality during the post-Soviet transformation were determined and possibilities for increasing lifespan are assessed. The monograph also presents main principles and priority policies to improve health and reduce working age population mortality in Ukraine. |
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FLEXIBILITY AND SECURITY IN THE LABOUR MARKET. UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE. This paper was prepared on request of the Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe of the International Labour Organization. It reviews macroeconomic and socio-demographic prerequisites for the functioning of the Ukrainian labour market, labour market of Ukraine, flexible forms of employment in Ukraine, labour mobility, compensation for work, institutional policy of the labour market, legislative support of employment and collective agreements. |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE: ANALYSIS AND FORECAST(Electronic version) This monograph was prepared by a team of researchers from the department for human development studies of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine subsequent to the results of planned research “Human development of the regions of Ukraine: analysis and forecast.” The monograph deals with the evolution of scientific views on the place and role of a person in economy; it characterizes components of human development and identifies the causes of its territorial disparities. It analyzes dynamics and the current level of human development in Ukraine, works out methodical principles of creating the system of national indices for measuring human development in administrative units of different levels. It assesses general trends and uniformity of dynamics of basic components of human development in the regions of Ukraine, presents theoretic and methodological principles of forecasting human development at national and regional levels. The monograph substantiates the directions of social investment, presents propositions for reforming social sphere and incomes policy, which are focused on ensuring the priority of human development, gender and residential equality. |
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INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE SYSTEM OF MONITORING AND EVALUATIION AND FEASIBILITY OF ITS APPLICATION IN UKRAINE This publication is a collection of proceedings of the International Conference “International experience of institutionalization of the system of monitoring, evaluation and feasibility of its application in Ukraine,” which took place in Kyiv February, 21-22, 2007. This collection includes abstracts of presentations, reviews of the international experts in the sphere of social policy of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Canada, Ireland, Nigeria, Russia and Sweden. The authors review and analyze the examples of institutionalization of the system of monitoring and evaluation in different countries, consider its practice and evolution, give propositions of how to apply some of them in Ukraine. |
2006 | |
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Socio-economic structure of population: evolution, the present, transformation I.O.Kurilo This monograph reviews theoretical and methodological issues of studying socio-economic structure of population and consistent patterns of its transformation, analyses socio-economic structure and stratification of population of Ukraine during the period of market reforms, characterizes demographic consequences of changes in socio-economic structures. It identifies basic regularities of historic evolution of socio-economic structure and directions of changes of population stratification factors. Using the theory of self-organization and synergetic approach, the author studies the genesis of Soviet type socio-economic structure, causes of its deformation and specific features of its transformation during the transition to a market economy. Expedience of applying an institutional approach to studying the formation and transformation processes of socio-economic structures is substantiated. Modern socio-economic structure of the population of Ukraine is studied in the unity of institutional and social group approach. Analysis of socio-economic structure involves both class and stratification approach. The monograph reviews demographic, economic (ownership of the means of production, the position in employment), educational and professional factors of forming socio-economic structure and population stratification. It suggests methodical approaches to selecting class and cross-class structures, educational and professional strata in the population of Ukraine. It examines demographic consequences of the latest transformation of socio-economic structure of population of Ukraine. It enunciates main principles of forming and directions of realizing, socio-demographic policy regarding social and class relations, stratification of population and reproduction of human potential. |
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ALL-ROUND DEMOGRAPHIC PROJECTION FOR UKRAINE UNTILL 2050 (Electronic version) This monograph presents detailed multivariate demographic projection of total population of Ukraine and its sex-age distribution until 2050. The authors substantiate the most probable trajectories of the main components, which determine population and its age distribution in the long term. They also give some analytical versions of the projection. The book shows the historical development of approaches to demographic forecasting and highlights up-to-date methods. It analyzes hypotheses and main results of the previous demographic projections for Ukraine. |
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STANDARD OF LIVING OF POPULATION OF UKRAINE(Electronic version) This multi-authored monograph reviews the issues of studying the standard of living for the population of Ukraine with an allowance to specific nature of development of socio-economic processes of the modern stage. It summarizes international experience of studying the standard of living, suggests a concept of studying the standard of living of the population of Ukraine at this stage and works out the necessary methodical suite of tools to assess it. The monograph is aimed at the experts in social economy and policy, government employees, postgraduate students and students of economics. |
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MORTALITY IN THE COUNTRIES OF FORMER SOVIET UNION. FIFTEEN YEARS AFTER COLLAPSE: WHAT HAS CHANGED? The publication is a collection of proceedings of the International workshop “Mortality in the countries of former Soviet Union. Fifteen years after: what has changed?” It includes expert reports on studying mortality from Poland, France, the USA, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine. It reviews the issues of vital statistics, current trends of mortality in some countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, examines the relationships of mortality with educational and ethnic structure of population, impact of lifestyle on mortality, and considers the issues of forecasting mortality. |
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NATIONAL SYSTEM OF COMPULSORY STATE SOCIAL INSURANCE: NEW CHALLENGES AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY This monograph reviews theoretical and applied functional issues of compulsory state social insurance system. It contains fundamental conceptual recommendations on strategy of its reforming. The authors work out the approaches to building a national model of compulsory national social insurance, set out methodological scheme of the developed model and the outcomes of its implementation. They examine the role of the social dialogue in the system of managing state social insurance. It is aimed at the employees of government agencies, experts in social sphere, researchers, teaching staff and students. |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE: OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIAL INVESTMENT TRENDS This monograph was prepared by a team of researchers of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine together with the experts of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. The monograph analyzes the rating of Ukraine on global scale of human development, sets out methodological principles of measuring human development in countries in transition. It investigates regional differences of human development in Ukraine and state of the basic components of human development: wealth, education and life expectancy. It sets out the concept of human capital, its role in implementing the ideas of human development, substantiates strategic directions of social investment in Ukraine. The monograph is aimed at the experts in labour economics, social economy and policy, government employees, postgraduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
2005 | |
Competitiveness of the labour market: implementation mechanism L.S. Lisogor This paper investigates the issues of forming competitive environment in the labour market, and specific character of developing competitive employment in transitional economy. It sets out methods of assessing degree of development of competitive environment in the labour market, based on selecting groups of factors of macroeconomic, regular, institutional and foreign market influence. These factors are characterized by different origin, nature and intensity of change. The influence of incentive and deterrent indicators is revealed on development of competitive environment in a labour market. The author substantiates priority of the innovative component in the system of factors increasing competitiveness of labour force, proves possibility to separate active and passive components of its competitiveness. He identifies areas of institutional changes in labour market: harmonization of market elements and state regulation in order to form a mechanism of competitive environment in the labour market. | |
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POPULATION OF UKRAINE – 2004. REGIONAL ASPECTS OF DEMOGRAPHIC DEVELOPMENT The monograph “Population of Ukraine – 2004. Regional aspects of demographic development” is dedicated to analysis of regional features of structural and dynamic characteristics of population and spatial specifics of its reproduction. It sets out theoretical and methodological basis of demographic zoning in the context of current trends of socio-economic regionalization. It gives characteristics of regional differences in sex and age composition of the population, investigates specific features of spatial organization of marriage and family structure; analyzes the state and dynamics of basic population reproduction components – fertility and mortality in regional cross-sections, assesses the impact of migration upon population socio-demographic development. The final section of the monograph sets out demographic zoning of the territory of Ukraine, which corresponds to current realities and takes into consideration spatial shifts of demographic dynamics, which happened under the influence of socio-economic transformation. The book presents regional demographic statistics and diverse cartographic material, illustrating spatial dynamics of demographic development of Ukraine. The book is collective monographic research accomplished by the researchers of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine with the assistance of the experts from the Institute of Geography of the NAS of Ukraine. It is a book for laymen, including both experts in economics, demography, sociology and members of administrative and territorial management, responsible for development and implementation of regional demographic policy. |
2004 | |
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FIRST ALL-UKRAINIAN CENSUS: HISTORICAL METHODOLOGICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, ETHNIC ASPECTS This scientific publication was prepared on the data of the First National Census (2001) by a team of researchers of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and the experts of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. It reviews theoretic and methodological issues of taking a census, processing and analyzing its returns and developing conceptual foundation for state demographic policy. It is aimed at experts in demography, demographic statistics, public social and economic policy, postgraduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
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STRATEGY FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE (2004-2015) “Towards European Integration” Strategy for economic and social development of Ukraine for 2004-2015 “Towards European Integration” was prepared in accordance with the orders of the President of Ukraine # 372/2001-ðï 21.12.2001 and # 385/2002-ðï 8.11.2002. Analytical and prognostic materials of the ministries and agencies of Ukraine, National Bank of Ukraine, regional administrations, international organizations and experts were used when preparing the Strategy. |
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STATE-RUN SOCIAL PROGRAMS: THEORETICAL ASPECTS, METHODS OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION This monograph deals with theoretical, methodological and applied issues of developing, assessing and implementing state-run social programs. It investigates objective historical, financial and economic, demographic and political factors and preconditions of developing and implementing social programs, comprehensively. Standardized methodological approaches and specific methodic procedures of developing variously oriented programs, evaluating their quality and efficiency and possible outcomes of implementation were worked out. Regional and gender aspects of the social programs were developed, the existing social programs in Ukraine were analyzed, evaluated, and propositions to improve their efficiency are set out. It is aimed at researchers, economists, and government representatives, experts in the fields of social policy, postgraduate students and students. |
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LABOUR MARKET AND SOCIAL PROTECTION This textbook covers a wide range of social policy issues from human development concept, standard of living and demographic challenges to regulation of labour market, social insurance and social assistance. It sets out the essence of many demographic and socio-economic categories and concepts, methods of measuring and assessing socio-economic and demographic phenomena, namely life expectancy, standard of living, poverty, employment and unemployment etc. It deals with trends and policy measures and their impact upon the regulation of demographic situation, labour market, social insurance, pension in particular, and social assistance. It analyses the state of demographic development, welfare of population, labour market and social protection in Ukraine. The text is supported by information, statistics, tables, graphs and diagrams. It is aimed at public sector workers, experts, researchers, lecturers, postgraduate students and higher school students of management. |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE: 2004. ANNUAL ANALYTICAL REPORT(Electronic version) This report is the second report on human development, prepared by a team of the researchers of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and experts of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. The report analyzes the place of Ukraine in the world’s ranking of human development, disparities of the development between regions of the country, reviews basic components of human development: welfare, education and life expectancy of population. Subject area of this year’s report focuses on decent work, which is one of the most important aspects of human development. It sets out conceptual foundations of decent work, developed by the International Labour Organization, considers the actual situation and possibilities to provide basic principles of decent standards work in Ukraine, and suggests ways of solving existing problems in the social and labour area. The publication is aimed at the experts in labour economics, social economy and labour, public sector workers, postgraduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
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IMPLEMENTATION OF MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS OF UN in UKRAINE: OVERCOMING POVERTY AND IMPROVING LIVING STANDARDS The collection contains the materials, dealing with the challenges of implementing social policy in accordance with Millennium development goals of UN in Ukraine. It investigates the issues of overcoming poverty, introducing social standards, wage system, socio-demographic aspects of improving standards of living, analyzes the process of forming the insurance market, development and function of educational institutions and social welfare. This publication is aimed at governmental and local administration employees, experts in social sphere, researchers, teaching staff and students. It is intended for readers interested in social issues. The publication reviews the results of the research conducted with the assistance of the project ESDP (UNDP). |
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POPULATION OF UKRAINE – 2003. ANNUAL ANALYTICAL REPORT The second annual analytical report of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine reviews current situation and prospects of sex-age population structure of Ukraine, trends and expected outcomes of basic components of natural population movement in the light of current demographic process of aging. The role of migratory movement in the acceleration of the process is determined and social and economic outcomes of population aging are examined. The publication sets out detailed data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine on population breakdown by age, unique estimates of the tables of mortality and nuptuality, demographic and economic tables and prospective population make-up, executed by the experts of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. The book is written in creative cooperation by the research groups of the Institutes for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and may be a useful source of analytical demographic information for economists, demographists, sociologists and other experts on the state and trends of the population development. |
2003 | |
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE: 2003. ANNUAL ANALYTICAL REPORT (Electronic version) This publication is the first report on human development jointly prepared by a team of the researchers of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and specialists of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. The report sets out theoretic and methodological issues of studying human development, analytical developments regarding its basic aspects, challenges of implementation of principles of human development in the state socio-economic strategy. The report reviews both international experience in measuring the level of human development and national developments in methodology of assessing human development in the regions of Ukraine. The focus is on the analysis of three main components of human development: standard of living, education and health, which are fundamental aspects underlying international methodology of study of human development. The publication is aimed at the specialists in social economy and policy, public sector employees, postgraduate students and students of economics and humanities. |
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PRESIDENT’S OF UKRAINE MESSAGE TO VERCHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE On the Internal and External Situation in Ukraine in 2003 |
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LABOUR MARKET This textbook is aimed at students of economics enrolled in programs for bachelors and specialists; it may be useful for leaders and managers, economists, accountants, auditors and experts, who are professionally engaged in business activities. |
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DEMOGRAPHIC CRISIS IN UKRAINE: CAUSE AND EFFECT The research was carried out in the framework of parliamentary hearings on demographic issues in Ukraine May, 21, 2003. Its aim was to determine the causes and historic roots of the current demographic situation. Accordingly, it gives characteristics of demographic processes in Ukraine against the overall European trends; analyzes the changes in the population and state of vital and migration movement in postwar period enunciates hypotheses about main causes of demographic changes, models are built and relationships are shown. |
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POPULATION OF UKRAINE: 2002. ANNUAL ANALYTICAL REPORT The first analytical report of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine and the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine reviews current demographic processes in Ukraine. It analyzes formation of sex-age as well as marriage and family structures of population; reviews structural changes in fertility and mortality; examines current situation and processes of forming population health, trends and challenges of demographic aging, summarizes main features of reproduction of population and their impact upon formation of demographic potential of Ukraine. A separate section sets out analysis of population migration. It is aimed at economists, demographists, sociologists and other specialists in the issues of population of Ukraine and its demographic prospects. |