Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main areas of the Institute's research work are:

- Theoretical problems of demography
- Reproduction of demographic potential
- Causes and after-effects of demographic crisis
- Migration processes
- Human development: methodological issues and evaluation at the regional level
- Problems of social capital development
- Standards of living, poverty and formation of middle class
- Labour market, employment relationship and social partnership
- Social policy and social protection
- Gender policy
- Social infrastructure development
- Social and demographic forecasting
- Informational and statistical support for socio-economic and demographic studies
The Institute co-operates with international and foreign research institutions such as: UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, European Commission, The World Bank, ILO, IOM, World Health Organization, National Institute for Demography of France, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, etc. regarding:
- methodology and practice of socio-demographic studies
- poverty, inequity and social exclusion
- social protection of children
- migration
- education, employment and economic activity
- sample survey methodology and statistical estimate of indicators
The Institute functions as methodological, scientific and organisational coordination center.
Address: 01032, Kyiv, 60 T. Shevchenko boulevard
Phone/fax: +3 8(044) 486 62 38, 486 62 37